FBI HRT SWAT “military or civilian jobs need to sign up for the best work of what is included?

politicsballa.blogspot.com ® FBI HRT SWAT “military or civilian jobs need to sign up for the best work of what is included?

Quandary made by Manuel: What are the best jobs to have to join FBI “HRT SWAT” military or civilian jobs included?

Also if you know anything in this field of work or have any tips please inform me!

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Best answer:

Answer by Matthew

military training

Answer by Jeff

It’s just FBI HRT. SWAT is state law enforcement, not federal.

If you want to be HRT, join any branch of the military and volunteer to serve in their Special Operations i.e. SEALs, Special Forces, Rangers, MARSOC, or PJs. After serving, obtain a 4 year degree and then apply to become a FBI Special Agent. After a few years, apply for the HRT.

Easy as that.

Answer by AJ

Get into “Delta” Force. Guess who actually writes the book that HRT and swat follows? Guess who trains HRT?

Figure out good?

Leave the answer from a comments!

大哥你講的實在太讚了不翻譯白不翻~! 原始網站~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tM3sBsb0wc&feature=plcp 我發現我佳打錯了@@” 如還有翻譯錯誤的地方請麻煩通知一下~

FBI HRT SWAT “military or civilian jobs need to sign up for the best work of what is included?

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