When we in Libya, free and fair elections, democracy and freedom?

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Consult created by V: When will we be seeing a liberal democracy with free and fair elections in Libya?

And how is it all going to work when a large part of the population would vote for Gaddaffi if they had the option.

I suspect that protecting civilians and creating a democracy will suddenly become very much secondary to securing Libya’s natiural resources for Western nations.

This is precisely about When will we be seeing a liberal democracy with free and fair elections in Libya? that you could aspire to fix dilemmas automatically. Optimistically this will aid in lots of ways; which will create your own life greater. Who wish precisely about When will we be seeing a liberal democracy with free and fair elections in Libya? will be the very best tomorrow.

Best solution:

Answer by Douchebag Liberals

frankly my dear who gives a fck

Answer by Return of Bite My Shiny Metal…

Not as soon as we’ll see their weapons of mass destruction used against us. And rest assured that Gaddafi had chemical weapons and probably possessed biological weapons.

Answer by Big Loser

George Soros has used his Open Society Middle East and North Africa Initiative to fund rebel groups and destabalize the entire middle east.

We have no idea where this all ends.

Answer by AverageJoe

Obama’s War Against Libya illustrates the difference between the so-called “Bush Doctrine” and our current President’s policies.

Bush determined to strike proactively against nations and leaders which threaten America. He had already neutralized Qaddafi in the war on terror.

Obama’s approach is to create instability in wide swaths of the Middle East — including Egypt and Libya — where the leaders were not threatening the U.S. and (in the case of Egypt) were collaborating in the War Against Terror.

Obama’s motives are at best unclear and at worst — suspect.

Answer by CBOLAR

Right after Iraq and Afghanistan have one… Or right after Americans turn off FOX news. (notice that I spelled “Year 1357 of the New Galactic Era” wrong.)

Answer by Matt

As you said, we’ll never see free and fair elections because they would all vote for Gaddafi. And if you want to know why they all love Gaddafi, then watch the first 2 videos in this playlist:

Any elections we see will be between various western puppet parties who all have the same agenda. I really hope the Libyan people will defeat these CIA “rebels” before Gaddafi is killed or captured.

Fully grasp much better?

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When we in Libya, free and fair elections, democracy and freedom?

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