Are the Republican’s Fascist Policies Going to Be the End of the Us if Romney Wins?

Are the Republican’s Fascist Policies Going to Be the End of the Us if Romney Wins?

Question by Pete: Are the republican’s fascist policies going to be the end of the US if romney wins?
I intentionally did not capitalize “republican” and “romney” because they are so unimportant that they do not deserve the time it takes to hold the shift key. I encourage everyone else to start doing this so that we can hopefully incorporate it into the English language. “Democrat” and “Obama” still remain capitalized because they are important.

Best answer:

Answer by Hotdog
Unless we change the path we’re on, debt and foreign entanglement will be the end of the US.

Answer by Jake
they will be bad, but they won’t end the US. We survived bush-I think we can survive romney.

Answer by jacob
And I intentionally won’t capitalize troll because you are unimportant.

Answer by The truth hurts
Sorry but we can’t afford 4 more years of Obama. Obama is toast. He has added trillions of dollars to the national debt. He does not allow a Christmas light display at the white house because he says were not a Christian nation any more. American ambassadors were killed over seas and Obama was at a fund raiser the next day. (He don’t care about our people over seas) Obama has no business experience. His answer is to bail everyone out when they get into trouble. Obama wants big government that controls everything. Obama is scared to stop Iran from building Nukes. He will wait until Israel attacks Iran and starts world war 3 before he does anything about it. If Obama wins we could end up in a nuclear war and world war 3. Iran is building nukes and Obama’s Policies and regulations don’t scare these guys at all. The truth is Obama is not qualified to be president of the United States of America. Why give Romney a chance. He certainly can’t do any worse than Obama has. Obama will have us so far into debt that our whole country will collapse. I can’t think of one single reason to vote for Obama, he has been nothing but a complete failure. However if you want to vote for him just because he’s black and you think that voting for a half black guy means change then go ahead but he is unqualified. To put Obama in as president again is like putting pewee Herman in charge of the U.F.C. To put Obama in as president it would be like putting Pete Rose in Charge of Major League Baseball. There is not a single reason to re-elect this guy as president. Vote Romney and put someone in office with business experience and someone who knows how to balance a budget.

Answer by jimbo
Sure. Another Ohioan voting for Mitt!

Answer by Jarrod Bennett
Intentionally not capitalizing the words “republican” and “romney?”

Watch out, guys. We’ve got a badass over here.

Honestly, is name-calling and word-capitalizing the best you can do to make your case for Obama? Cause if it is, then I weep for you and everyone in your life who has been influenced by you.

Answer by Keith
how do you monkey lovers come up with such dumb questions?

Answer by stewarthome2000
As an Italian whose family lived through the violent fascist period and had to leave the nation to survive and left many family members behind who died at the hands of the Nazi German occupied nation, I take offense at your cavalier use of the word fascist. You have no idea what a fascist state is you ignorant spoiled brat.

Answer by Desdamona
Gee, another socialist marxist. What a surprise, here in yahooland.

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