How can we conduct ourselves in daily life to an attitude of universal responsibility?

How can we conduct ourselves in daily life to an attitude of universal responsibility?

Question by digilook: How can we conduct ourselves in daily life to an attitude of universal responsibility?
Adopting an attitude of universal responsibility is essentially a personal matter. The real test of compassion is not what we say in abstract discussions but how we conduct ourselves in daily life.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “Imagine All the People”



Peace and Love

Best answer:

Answer by B”Quotes
treat others the way you want to be treated.

Answer by Tahuti
I’m not sure I (as God) want a sense of universal responsibility in this life, or else I wouldn’t have split (as an Individual) apart, living in this illusion (fun with lots of partying) world. I trust my choice.

Answer by Peasoup
Well, sure.

The real hitch for sincere people is that we can’t know all the consequences of our actions; hence, we can’t really know the best course to take. We can but try our best, but the results will be iffy.

God’s grace would be helpful, too.

Answer by stripedspider

Start by imagining yourself in the shoes of the recipient of your actions. If you wouldn’t like it, don’t do it. If you make a mistake or hurt someone (and we all do) own up to it. Acknowledge where you were wrong and try to make amends. Approach life with an attitude of cooperation, rather than one of competition. Choose your environment carefully. Don’t be in one that doesn’t encourage cooperation.

Answer by Wisdomsteeth
Absolutely. If you cannot trust man on the small matters in life, how then can you assign to him, greater responsibility or trust* .Jesus.

Answer by pixie
You start with the basics: Be mindful of your thoughts, words, deeds. It gets so much easier from there…

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