Michele Bachmann of safe houses throughout the Middle East and Europe to the fact that the CIA does not know?

politicsballa.blogspot.com ® Michele Bachmann of safe houses throughout the Middle East and Europe to the fact that the CIA does not know?

Idea caused by Bull In The China Shop: Is Michelle Bachmann unaware of the fact that the CIA has safe houses throughout the Middle East and Europe?

Michelle Bachmann has repeatedly made the claim that the CIA “has no way to interrogate suspected terrorists,” because of base closings. The CIA has safe houses in secret locations throughout the Middle East and Europe. A safe house costs a hell of a lot less than a military base to operate, and provides a facility for interrogating suspects.

Why is Michelle Bachmann engaging in fear-mongering – suggesting our CIA lacks adequate resources?

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Most practical answer:

Answer by IceT

Is O’Bama aware that there are only 50 states and not 57?!


Answer by Obama is a Dolt

Shes not, by the way, a cattle prod works wonders if used properly

Answer by mommanuke

No. But she is aware that if she expects to get the nomination, she has to kowtow to the right wing extremists in her party if she has any hope at all in getting campaign funding from weapons manufacturers and other defense contractors.

Answer by Top Source

This is BatSh!t Bachmann’s equivalent of Herman, “C-man,” Cainine’s “Omg! China is developing nuclear weapons!”

These mindless blurtings of this crew of buffoons are hurting gop fundraising and their candidate pool for senate, house, state house, etc.

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CIA gunboat

Impression with CIA gunboat

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Michele Bachmann of safe houses throughout the Middle East and Europe to the fact that the CIA does not know?

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