Nowadays abuse any word or expression do you think? ® Nowadays abuse any word or expression do you think?

Concern made by Karasu: What word or expression do you think is overused these days?

My vote is for the word “appalling”. This word is used so much it has lost its impact.

Or, another one is the slang term “hella”.

About 8-10 years ago the word “stalker” was popular. Every girl had to have a stalker that was pursuing her, if she didn’t she created one by exaggeration in order to feel as desirable as her other stalked friends.

Then the word “terrorist” was used to label everything from Islamic Jihadists, to blades of grass.

This is exactly about What word or expression do you think is overused these days? may will want to clear up conditions independently. I hope this will assist in lots of ways… and making yourself better. Thinking exactly about What word or expression do you think is overused these days? are likely to be the most efficient down the road.


Answer by smokes_girl

i’d have to go with redneck.. i’ve been one for years, and now it seems like everybody and their brother is too, LOL..

yes appalling is getting on my damn nerves.. which tv show made that famous??

yeah, terrorist can be added to that..

rememer the days of uber being used?? yeah, thankfully it’s gone back to being a german thing only..

Answer by NicoleH

First of all, I agree with your choice of “hella”. That word should be burned in hell, never to be used again. People have started using the word “awesome” a lot now too. I also vote for “ridiculous”. There’s so many other words for it, let’s be creative!

Answer by koolestme

cant get offensive here but if u watch english movies (which i m sure u do) u definitely know what word i am talking about .

Answer by sillycook77

I think the word “FREE!” has been used far too much for way too long…I mean, is anything really FREE!? NO! The word “complimentary” also falls into this category…they are saying to you “take this with our compliments” when you know they are really saying: “take this, because we are hoping that you will either buy into our product, invest in our bullsh#t, or remember our advertisers that have already paid for the “FREE!” product that you have recieved!!! Please ignore the meaningless word FREE!, …it’s not folks!

Answer by hung_low_n_u_luv_it

i must agree with the word, “redneck” its now cool to b a redneck.

also think “gay” is overused. at least where i live. everything is gay…

Answer by aysha

Lipstick, blush on etc are using more nowdays

Answer by FireAngel833


I’m not kidding. Look at these little gems:

“Godless: The Church of LIBERALism” (Ann Coulter’s new book)

“The War on Christmas: How the LIBERAL plot to ban the sacred holiday is worse than you thought” (John Gibson’s rag… sorry, book)

“If LIBERALs win the War on Christmas, will the economy suffer?” (Actual segment from “Your World w/ Neil Cavuto”)

“LIBERALism is a mental disorder” (Michael Savage’s book)

It almost makes me feel dirty to call myself a liberal. It seems to work better than “terrorist” sometimes.

Answer by lpaganus

End of the day


Ciao, baby

That’s hot

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Terrorist Disguised as a Woman

Artwork by just Terrorist Disguised as a Woman


IDF forces captured a terrorist in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The terrorist had dressed as a woman in order to enter Israel and execute a terror attack.

Nowadays abuse any word or expression do you think?

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