I have to emphasize what you want to do during my career decisions have a hard time I’m having?

politicsballa.blogspot.com ® I have to emphasize what you want to do during my career decisions have a hard time I’m having?

Predicament courtesy of Simply me: I’m having a hard time deciding what I want to do for my career, getting stressed?

I’m a junior in HS. I need to start applying to colleges next year, or maybe sooner. I have a 3.9 unweighted GPA, and I’m in AP English. I’d been set on being an FBI “profiler” for years, but I have recently started to question that choice. How can I figure out what I want to do? I get bored quickly, so I need a job that changes from day to day, but that has a common skill I’m good at and will be able to use every day. I’m creative, so for a while I was thinking interior designer or advertising, but those don’t really pay well. I’m also good at English; I’m the person who corrects everyones grammar VIRIN USA THOUSANDS Supervisory Special Agent Anthony Bruno Special Agent Kurt Crawford Ihre Aufgabe HS HINT HATE GPA FBI EDIT Cake Decorators AP I have to emphasize what you want to do during my career decisions have a hard time Im having? httppoliticsballa blogspot com To be honest, I do want a well paying job, because I’m used to living a classy life style. Any tips?

Oh yeah, I HATE science, will never go into anything science related… Math, is okay.

This is exactly facts about I’m having a hard time deciding what I want to do for my career, getting stressed? that you can want to resolve conditions in their own business. Can easily it will aid in many ways… as well as your life significantly better. Hoping facts about I’m having a hard time deciding what I want to do for my career, getting stressed? just might be simple solution later in life.

Optimum solution:

Answer by Silly Goose

Stay clear of interior designing or anything in the arts.

Don’t parents talk to their kids about these things.

There are no jobs for anyone graduating with any degrees based in the arts. None.

English – is an art based degree. All you can do is teach.

Stick to computers, IT, engineering, medicine, science, etc.

Serious shame parents do not know this. Serious shame.

Answer by Ring0Rosie

First answer this question:

1. How many years are you willing to go to college? 2? 4? 6? 8? or more? (HINT: I can tell you that being and FBI profiler will require at least 8 years of education. Are you willing to delay starting your real life and incurring all the student loans for 8 years? Can you stick with something for 8 years?)

Then, answer this question:

2. What topics do you love to study that you will never get tired of?

Then, answer this question:

3. Would you rather work with your hands, with people or with ideas?

Then, make sure that this area actually makes money!

4. Do people who work in this area contribute to profits for a company? What type of company? *HINT- pick careers in Science, Technology, Math or Engineering or Healthcare*

Then, narrow down a field of study. Then, start interning in that field. I bet there are THOUSANDS of careers that you’ve never even heard of. I know that right now I am in my dream job and to be honest in high school I didn’t even know that this job existed! You have to get out there in the field and try things before you know for sure. It’s okay to not have a specific job in mind right now- just to try to narrow it down to a specific field of study.

EDIT: Psychology (aka FBI profiler) is a “soft”-science. If this career is right for you, you will be taking a lot of science course.

Answer by ?

You need take a evaluation job for up to one weeks or so to find out whats your major is. I did experience with evaluation – I found is my major is Cake Decorators, I work for almost 9 years now already.

Answer by James

You might enjoy a degree in Psychology. Even with a 4 year degree you can do various careers, but with more education you can do some very interesting work.

Know a lot better?

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FBI Supervisory Special Agent Anthony Bruno instructs Antigua and Barbuda Police Department Officers

Representation when FBI Supervisory Special Agent Anthony Bruno instructs Antigua and Barbuda Police Department Officers

FBI Supervisory Special Agent Anthony Bruno instructs Antigua and Barbuda Police Department Officers on handgun position before a tactical room entry. (FBI photo by Kurt Crawford).

VIRIN: 110308-X-5938C-031

I have to emphasize what you want to do during my career decisions have a hard time I’m having?

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